Machinery Breakdown Risk Studies
Heavy industries and energy intensive occupancies, rely on the continued operation of their machines to survive and thrive in today's marketplace. Breakdown of critical machinery and plant equipment can lead to significant financial losses, which in turn can jeopardize a company's business position. These engineering services include inspections to ensure the safety of factories and machinery. However, traditional property and fire risk surveys may not be sufficient to anticipate and prepare for catastrophic damage to machinery. Therefore, it is necessary to make an accurate and correct assessment of the risk of breakdown, the consequential potential damage and the resulting business interruption.
The scope of our participation can include the following:
• Identifying critical equipment and its interdependence
• Assessing condition monitoring plans and their effectiveness and adequacy
• Evaluating the inspection and maintenance procedures used
• Reviewing operational and human factors that can affect the longevity of machines
• Inspecting, reviewing and assessing spare parts management policies
• Evaluating potential plans and their effectiveness
• Analyzing potential loss to machinery breakdown and the potential consequence of business interruption
• Analyzing the ageing to assess the probability of failure in critical machinery